Elementary School

In our elementary school, we provide a transformative education that nurtures each child's innate curiosity and guides them toward their unique purpose. Through a curriculum that intertwines academic excellence with spiritual growth, we create a supportive environment where students are encouraged to explore, question, and create. By embedding Christian values into every aspect of learning, we aim to develop a deep understanding of faith and its application in the world. Our dedicated faculty instills a passion for learning and a sense of wonder about God's creation, preparing students for academic achievements. Here, students begin to lay the foundation for their educational journey and discover how their talents and passions make a difference.

School Hours

TK and Kindergarten: 8:30am-2:40pm

1st and 2nd Grade: 8:15am-2:40pm

3rd-5th Grade: 8:15am-2:50pm

Elementary School Scope of Skills


  • Read and write numbers 1- 20

    Solids, Shapes and Equal Parts




    Two Digit Numbers

    Ordinal position


    Classify & Sort

    Count On, Count Back

    Numbers orally 0-100

  • Letter sight recognition

    Letter sound recognition

    Opposites and Rhyming Position words

    Word families

    Vowel Sounds

    Beginning blends

    Sight Words Basic handwriting skills

    Fine Motor Development

  • Science vocabulary

    Life Cycles


    Fire safety

    Habits for health



    Plant life


  • Flag and pledge of allegiance

    Country and state

    Holidays and historic people

    Home and family

    Cultures and people groups

  • Armor of God

    Early Bible concepts

    Prayer, Praise & Worship




    Bible heroes

    Life of Jesus

    Loving God and People

    Sowing and reaping

  • Fitness Awareness

    Body Awareness

    Exercises and Conditioning for young bodies

    Playground games

    Good Sportsmanship

    Large motor-muscle development

    Introduction to healthy eating habits

  • Folk, echo, worship, seasonal, and patriotic songs

    Movement and listening

    Percussion instruments

    Pitch, Melody, Tempo, Volume

    Beat and rhythm basics

    Performance etiquette

    Performance experience

    Music as worship

  • Fine motor development

    Exploration of media

    Tool exploration: scissors, glue, paintbrush and markers

    Colors and shapes

  • Parts of a Computer

    Functions of a Tablet

    Care for digital devices

    Touch screen usage

    Basic mouse and keyboard skills

  • Identify and Label Emotions

    Explore emotions in context

    Express feelings with words


  • Counting 1-20

    Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s

    Addition families

    Place Value

    One digit Addition

    One digit Subtraction

    Two dimensional shapes

    Three dimensional shapes

    Color recognition

    Directionality: right and left

    Patterns (AB, AABB, ABC)

    Telling time to the hour and half-hour in analog

  • Letter and sound recognition

    Rhyme and Syllables


    Reading short vowel words

    Reading long vowel words

    Sight words

    Reading aloud

    Proper handwriting techniques

    Uppercase-Lowercase A-Z

    Early Grammar rules

    Letter writing

    Creative writing

    Story structure and elements

    Print concepts

    Author and illustrator

    Fiction vs. nonfiction

    Compare and contrast

    Making predictions

    Retelling stories

  • Four seasons


    Five senses

    Natural science






  • Our Nation’s flag

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Country and state (City , Suburb, Town , Country)

    Holidays and historic people

    Home and family

    Cultures and people groups

    Community helpers & places


    Geography and maps (Continents)

  • Bible verses

    Bible stories

    Christian teaching and memory songs

    Creation, Noah’s Ark, Tower of Babel

    Abraham, Jacob and Esau, Joseph

    Moses, Ten Commandments

    Joshua, Samson, Solomon

    Daniel, Jonah, Nativity

    Jesus’ childhood, ministry, and miracles

    Paul, Timothy


    Salvation story

    Fruits of the Spirit

    Character traits and Christian Values

  • Physical Fitness Testing

    Loco-motor movements (walking, running, skipping, galloping, hopping, etc.)

    Manipulative skills (throwing, catching, kicking, rolling, dribbling, etc.)

    Cooperative Activities

    Playground games

    Caring for equipment

    Introduction to team sports:





  • Folk, echo, worship, seasonal, and patriotic songs

    Movement and listening

    Percussion instruments

    Pitch, Melody, Tempo, Volume

    Beat and rhythm basics

    Performance etiquette

    Performance experience

    Music as worship

  • Crafting skills and concepts

    Using Shapes in art

    Art appreciation

    Exploration of media: paper, clay, paint, chalk

    Creative expression

    Fine Motor Development

  • Computer Basics

    Parts of a Computer

    Introduction to tablet

    Guided App usage

    Interactive games

    Introduction to the Internet

    Printing files

  • Identify and Label Emotions

    Explore emotions in context

    Express feelings with words

    Recognize emotions in others

    Facial expressions and body language

1st Grade

  • Addition and Subtraction

    Number families to 20

    Math vocabulary: equation, operations, sequence, measurement

    Base Ten Operations

    Counting on, Counting back

    Place Value 1’s, 10’c, 100’s

    Length, Width, Height

    Tell and write analog and digital time

    Represent and interpret data.

    Shape attributes (2-D & 3-D)

    Problem solving and perseverance

    Reason abstractly and quantitatively

    Construct and critique explanations

    Math tools: ruler, compass, organizers

  • Alphabetization

    Phonetic sounds

    Syllables and Chunking

    Letter and sound patterns

    Blending consonants

    Reading phonetically correct words

    Reading Sight words

    Compound Words and


    Homonyms and Rhyming

    Reading aloud and silently

    Proper handwriting techniques

    Uppercase-Lowercase A-Z

    Capitalization and Punctuation

    Writing sentences, stories and poems

    Story Comprehension strategies Introduction to Genre

    Print concepts

  • Earth Science (Weather and Seasons)

    Physical Science (States of Matter)

    Life Science (Plants/Animals, Habitats)

    Environment (Caring for God’s world)

  • Symbols, icons, and traditions of America

    Communities – City , Suburb, Town , Country

    Holidays and Historic Figures

    Home and family

    Cultures and people groups of America

    Community helpers and places

    Presidents and Government

    Maps and the Globe:

    Continents and Oceans


    Economic concepts

  • The Word of God

    Bible memory work

    The Armor of God

    A study of God’s gifts

    Creation: Adam and Eve

    Promises: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Jacob

    His Son: Jesus’ birth and life

    Worship: Josiah, Joash

    Children: Samuel

    Friendship: David

    Blessings: Elijah

  • Physical Fitness Testing

    Healthy life habits

    Strengthen Loco-motor movements (walking, running, skipping, galloping, hopping, etc.)

    Strengthen Manipulative skills (throwing, catching, kicking, rolling, dribbling, etc.)

    Cooperative Activities

    Playground games: tetherball, four square, hopscotch

    Caring for equipment

    Team sports:






  • Variety of song genre Improvised and directed movement

    Untuned and tuned percussion instruments (xylophones, Boom Whackers, sticks, blocks, triangles, etc.)

    Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Melody, Dynamics

    Music appreciation

    Music history

    Theory – quarter, eighth, whole notes, repeat signs Individual and Group performance

    Performance etiquette

    Value and purpose of Christian worship

  • Project based learning

    Use of Art Elements – Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value

    Landscapes, Seascapes,

    Cityscapes, Animals, and Portraits

    Exploration of sculptures and textiles

    Media exploration: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, tissue paper, construction paper, fabric, liquid glue, glue sticks

  • Computer foundations

    Internet Safety

    Digital Citizenship

    Keyboard Practice

    Exploration of Educational Games

    Early Word Processing

    Exploration of graphics

    Online Mapping skills

    Printing documents

    Apps: BrainPop, NetSmartz, Kids Com Jr, Bad Guy Patrol, Webonauts, Cyber Five, Code.org, Google maps

  • Identify and Label Emotions

    Recognize emotions in others

    Explore emotions with peers and adults

    Practice compassionate acts

    Role play social interactions

    Read facial expressions and body language

    Express feelings with words

    Early conflict resolution skills

2nd Grade

  • Mental Math activities

    Numbers to 1,000

    Place Value to 1,000

    Fact families memorization to 20

    Early multiplication

    Fact Strategies


    Skip counting 2, 3, 5, 10


    Whole number operations

    Evens and Odds

    Problem Solving and representation of processes

    Represent and interpret data

    Math Journaling


    Geometric concepts

    Reason shapes attributes

  • Word Families and Embedded


    Weekly Spelling, multi-syllabic words

    Advanced Decoding strategies

    Listening Activities

    Presentation Skills

    Exploration of genres

    Text Structure

    Story Elements

    Comprehension Strategies

    Basic story analysis


    Develop reading stamina

    Orally reading fluency/expression

    Accelerated Reader participation

    Sentence Structure


    Grammar practice

    Creative Writing

  • Human Body Awareness

    Hygiene, exercise, rest, nutrition

    Plant Life

    Animal Life

    Rocks, Soils, and Fossils

    Forces and Motion

    Environmental stewardship

    Tools and Machines

    Magnets and Sounds

  • US Government


    The Legal System: state and country


    Families and Communities

    Primary and secondary sources


    American Heroes

    Map and Globe Skills

  • God’s Stories of the Old Testament

    Fulfills promises

    Creates the World

    Prepares Leaders for His people

    Delivers from slavery

    Guides the Israelites

    Bible Memory Activities

  • Playground etiquette

    Playground games

    Traditional team games

    Equipment: roller boards, jump ropes, specialty balls, rackets, hula hoops

    Develop locomotor skills

    Develop manipulative skills


    Balance activities

    Group Dance choreography


    Physical Fitness Testing

  • Voice skills: vocal warmups, tongue twisters

    Variety genre

    Rhythm instruments

    Tuned instruments: xylophones, ukuleles

    Identify instruments

    Scale steps with solfege hand signs

    Read, and write rhythms


    Individual performances

    Group rehearsal and performances

    Concert etiquette value and purpose of worship

  • Project based learning

    Further Use of Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value

    Landscapes, Seascapes, Cityscapes, Animals, and Portraits

    Exploration of sculptures and textiles

    Media exploration: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, tissue paper, construction paper, fabric, liquid glue, glue sticks

    Art critique, give and receive

    Caring for supplies

  • Computer Foundations: hardware, software, and care Keyboard Practice

    Digital Citizenship

    Word Processing

    MS PowerPoint

    Early to Basic Coding

    Educational Games

    Internet Research

    Download images/files


    Cloud concepts

    Apps: BrainPop, NetSmartz, Kids Com Jr, Bad Guy Patrol, Webonauts, Cyber Five, Code.org, Google maps

  • Identify and Label Emotions

    Recognize emotions in others

    Explore emotions with peers and adults

    Practice compassionate acts

    Role play social interactions

    Read facial expressions and body language

    Express feelings with words

    Conflict resolution skills

3rd Grade

  • Operations: +, -, x, /

    Opposite operations

    Algebraic Thinking

    Solve multi-step problems (up to 4 operations)

    Multiply & Divide Fluently within 100

    Arithmetic patterning

    Place Value to millions

    Multi-digit addition, subtraction and rounding

    Multiples of 10


    Equivalent fractions for halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths

    Fractions on number lines and circles

    Measurement and Data

    Represent and interpret data


    Reason with shapes and their attributes

  • Develop Grammar Skills

    Parts of Speech, Syntax

    Punctuation, Types of sentences

    Cursive handwriting

    Spelling Practice

    Critical Listening

    Vocabulary building

    Reading fluency

    Comprehension strategies

    Chapter Books

    Accelerated Reader


    Paragraph Structure

    Draft a topic sentence

    Revise and proofread

    Forms: Persuasive essay

    Short story

    Book reports

    Research report

    Genre exposure: Historical Fiction, Timeline Nonfiction, Poetry, Folktale Photo Essay, Magazine Article Legend, Mystery, Textbook

  • Directed Inquiry

    Guided Investigations

    Forms of Energy

    Properties of Matter


    Adaptations to Land and Water

    When Environments Change

    Organisms of Long Ago

    Survival of Living Things

    Our Solar System

    Cycles and Patterns in Space

  • Communities


    Earth’s Land and Water

    US Geography

    Map and Globe Skills

    Chart and Graph Skills

    Native American Tribes

    Early Explorers

    American Colonies


    City Government

    Economic choices

  • Stories from the Old Testament

    Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel

    The Parts of the Bible

    Bible Memory activities Christian Holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter

    Jesus’ Ministry

    The Trinity

    Prayer, Sharing, and Forgiveness

  • Fitness concepts, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility, bodyweight

    Exercises and Conditioning

    Games: Bowling, football, Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball Volleyball, Pickle-ball, Hockey

    Physical Fitness Testing

    Describe Major Muscle systems

    Explain CardioPulmonary system

  • Voice skills: vocal warm-ups, tongue twisters

    Variety genre

    Rhythm instruments, xylophones, ukuleles, recorders

    Responsibility and care for instrument

    Listening for Appreciation of Art

    Read, write, and play notes on the treble staff, sixteenth notes, eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes and rests and dotted half and quarter notes Individual performances

    Group rehearsal and performances

    Concert etiquette value and purpose of worship

  • Project based learning

    Further Use of Art

    Elements – Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value

    Landscapes, Seascapes and Cityscapes

    Animals, and Portraits

    Exploration of sculptures and textiles

    Media exploration: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, tissue paper, construction paper, fabric, liquid glue, glue sticks

    Art critique, give and receive

    Caring for supplies

  • Computer Foundations: hardware, software, and care Keyboard Practice

    Internet Safety

    Digital Citizenship

    Word Processing

    Prezi Slideshow

    Basic Coding

    Educational Games

    Internet Research

    Download images and files


    Cloud concepts

    Apps: BrainPop, Kahoot, Digital Passport, NetSmartz, Kids Com Jr, Bad Guy Patrol, Webonauts, Cyber Five, Code.org, Google maps

  • Define Empathy

    Recognize emotions in others

    Read facial expressions and body language

    Develop Self Awareness

    Develop self-control

    Conflict resolution skills

    Role play social interactions

    Practice compassionate acts

    Express feelings with words

    Explore emotions with peers and adults

    Identify acts of service in the community

4th Grade

  • Use +,-,x,/ with whole numbers to solve problems

    Factors and Multiples

    Algebraic Thinking

    Generate and analyze patterns

    Base Ten

    Extend Place Value

    Read, write, use expanded form, compare and round

    Multiply up to 4 digits x 2-digit

    Math Vocabulary


    Decimal notation for fractions

    Compare decimal fractions

    Measurement and Data

    Measurement Conversion

    Represent and interpret data


    Identify and measure angles

    Classify shapes

  • Readers workshop

    Grammar instruction and practice

    Spelling instruction and practice

    Writing instruction and practice

    Develop non-fiction comprehension skills

    Oral reports

    Book reports

    Accelerated Reader


  • Rocks and minerals

    Rapid changes on earth (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides)

    Slow changes on earth (weathering, erosion)

    Electricity and Magnetism

    Ecosystems, Matter and Energy

    Non-fiction writing in Science

    Experiments science studies

    Oral Presentations

  • California History

    Western expansion

    Pioneers and Gold Rush

    California statehood

    California Missions


    Mission reports

    State reports

  • Life and Ministry of Jesus

    Role of the Holy Spirit

    Life of apostle Paul

    Following Jesus

    Life of King David

    Developing Christian Character


    SOAP (scripture observation application and prayer)

    Scripture memorization

  • Fitness concepts, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility, bodyweight

    Exercises and Conditioning Games: Bowling, football, Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball Volleyball, Pickle-ball, Hockey

    Physical Fitness Testing

    Square and Line Dancing Skills: Passing, trapping, dribbling, throwing, catching, hitting, long and short rope techniques

    Describe Major Muscle and Cardio-Pulmonary system

    Nutrition /Healthy Eating

  • Vocal warm-ups, tongue twisters

    Choral, solos, duets, harmony

    Explore instruments

    Responsibility and care for instrument

    Listening for Appreciation

    Read, write, and play notes on the treble staff, sixteenth notes, eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes and rests and dotted half and quarter notes,

    Individual performances

    Group rehearsal and performances

    Concert etiquette value and purpose of worship

  • Project based learning

    Further Use of Art Elements – Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value

    Landscapes, Seascapes and Cityscapes

    Animals, and Portraits

    Exploration of sculptures and textiles

    Media exploration: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, and other mediums

    Art critique, give and receive

  • Computer Foundations: hardware/software/care

    Keyboard Practice

    Internet Safety

    Digital Citizenship

    Word Processing

    Basic Coding

    Educational Games

    Miwok Indians Project

    Ecosystem Project

    Download images/files


    Cloud concepts

    Apps: BrainPop, Kahoot, Digital Passport, NetSmartz, Kids Com Jr, Bad Guy Patrol, Webonauts, Cyber Five, Code.org, Google maps

  • Define Empathy

    Recognize emotions in others

    Read facial expressions and body language

    Develop Self Awareness

    Develop self-control

    Conflict resolution skills

    Role play social interactions

    Practice apologies

    Express feelings with words

    Explore emotions with peers and adults

    Identify acts of service in the community

    Identify and Label Emotions

5th Grade

  • Write, interpret, and evaluate numerical expressions

    Analyze patterns and relationships

    Form and graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane

    Number and Operations in Base Ten

    Place value system including decimal space

    Read, write, expand, and compare decimals to 0.001

    Round decimals

    Perform four operations of multi-digit numbers to hundredths

    Use equivalent fractions to + and – fractions

    Multiply and divide fractions

    Solve real world problems with fractions

    Convert measurement units

    Represent and interpret data

    Apply volume formulas

    Graph points on the coordinate plane

    Solve real-world problems

    Classify figures

  • Reading: Inferences, theme, summary, compare and contrast characters, figurative language, structure, and point of view.

    Writing: Opinion pieces, informative/explanatory texts, real and imagined narratives, and research projects.

    Speaking and Listening: Collaborative discussions, group roles, pose and respond to questions, report on a topic or text, and include multimedia and displays in presentations. Literature Board Project

  • Solar System


    Human and Plant Systems

    Atoms and Elements

    Water Resources

  • America’s Land

    Ancient Americans


    English Colonies

    American Revolution



    Famous American Heroes Wax Museum Project

  • Basic Christian Apologetics

    Case for Faith

    Case for a Creator

    Case for Christ

    Case for Grace

    The Nativity

    Old Testament Survey, Scripture analysis and memorization

  • Fitness concepts, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility, bodyweight Exercises and Conditioning

    Games: Bowling, football, Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee, Soccer, Basketball Volleyball, Pickle-ball, Hockey Physical Fitness Testing Square Dancing Line Dancing

    Skills: Jogging, Passing, trapping, dribbling, keep ball in motion, strike, punt, throwing, catching, hitting, long and short rope techniques

    Describe Major Muscle systems

    Explain CardioPulmonary system

    Alternatives to the Western Diet

    Healthy eating habits

  • Vocal warm-ups, tongue twisters, and song variety

    Singing while playing an instrument

    Singing from notated music

    Variety of instruments, practice, and instrument tuning

    Beginning chord theory: diatonic scale, tonal center and diatonic chord

    Functions, key signatures and transposition

    Read, write and play sixteenth notes, eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes and rests and dotted half and quarter notes

    Listening – for appreciation, listening with journaling and art

    Performance – individual and group

    Concert etiquette


    Purpose and value of worship

  • Project based learning

    Further Use of Art Elements – Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Space, Form, Value

    Landscapes, Seascapes, Cityscapes

    Animals, and Portraits

    Exploration of sculptures and textiles Media exploration: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, tempera paints, oil pastels, tissue paper, construction paper, fabric, liquid glue, glue sticks

    Art critique, give and receive

    Caring for supplies

  • Computer Foundations: hardware, software, and care

    Keyboard Practice

    Internet Safety

    Digital Citizenship

    Word Processing

    Basic Coding

    Educational Games

    Microsoft Excel

    Columbus Research Project

    Narrative Writing Project

    Download images / files


    Cloud concepts

    End of Year Collaborative Slide Show Apps: BrainPop, Kahoot, Digital Passport, NetSmartz, Kids Com Jr, Bad Guy Patrol, Webonauts, Cyber Five, Code.org, Google maps

  • Define Empathy

    Recognize emotions in others

    Read facial expressions and body language

    Develop Self Awareness

    Develop self-control

    Define Bullying and Conflict resolution skills

    Role play social interactions

    Practice apologies

    Identify purpose and effectiveness of

    Explore emotions with peers and adults

    Identify acts of service in the community See Something Say Something

Enrichment Classes

In addition to classroom instruction in Math, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies, elementary students will engage in learning in their Core Enrichment classes. This additional instruction will cover Bible, Music, Art, Physical Education, Science Lab, Library, Technology, and Emotional Intelligence.

CREW provides before and after school care for our Elementary students. CREW is staffed by loving educators who plan age appropriate activities for students. This cost is not included in tuition.

Program Options

Morning Care
7:30am – 7:55am
$10 per day

Afternoon Care
After School – 6:00pm
$15 per hour or $30 per day

There are additional payment options that include discounted rates for paying for a full semester up front.